a fine ass, perfect ass guy ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ™ˆ
thereโ€™s blaze the hottie
by t h money October 15, 2019
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Blaze is one of the best people to hangout with. Typically people name blaze are extremely funny and are exciting.
Blaze likes to make jokes about people
by Fhhdbruf April 12, 2022
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To Snowboard with two people; Specifically in backcountry or wooded areas.
by sizzlesk8er February 3, 2011
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A term in dance that tells you your hand placement. It is a mix between a jazz hand and a blade.
On count 5 your hands are in a blaze.
by Bird house November 23, 2020
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Blaze is a classic man or a simp. He's a weeb that will start a argument over who solos Goku. Blaze is a jack ass who is sarcastic. He caps alot or jokes alot.
"Hey Daniel my dog died haha just kidding".
"Sheesh that girl is my allah".
"Hey blaze stop being a dumb ass". "UNO REVERSE DANIEL.
by Senpai Blaze June 2, 2021
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