An absolute weapon of a human (don’t start him he will get angry gr) he is “some boy
Cody: inform callum is some boy don’t mess with him

Tadgh: I like men
by Inform cal July 14, 2022
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The act of getting zero pussy and only going for your friend's Ex's
I know you get zero pussy but You really need to stop hitting up my ex, what you're doing is the Callum Fallicy
by Barterzac June 24, 2021
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A 4 foot man that has an tiny penis and shags his brothers .
That guy is such a Callum Skinner
by chimmychonga June 2, 2020
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An ugly prick who likes to beat up Joshua buck.
Callum Blythe punched Josh Buck around the nose , then killed him.
by TheRealCallumsCorner September 11, 2018
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This Callum can be rude and will always hangout with the wrong people. He will gain your trust, and stab you in the back. He always apologizes, but dose stuff again. There the acting type, which can be fun. Callum s’s are the Sharpay type. But can also be a leader. Callum S’s are not meant for everyone but for some people make a good friend.
Callum s’s are ok
by Callum s’s February 5, 2020
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