Grozdanov stew is a traditional dish from the Balkan region.
Grozdanov Stew is delicious!
by JamThePerson March 1, 2023
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Seattle Stew is great tasting dish made from IKEA meatballs that have horse-meat in them. It could be eaten on the anniversary of the death of the famous racehorse called Seattle Slew out of either respect or disrespect.

Alternatively, if one opened a slaughterhouse for horses in Seattle, Washington, one could call stew containing horse meat Seattle stew.
I just ate some meatballs from IKEA and when I found out that I had done so I got to thinking about horses and then I remembered the legendary Seattle Slew. hence the name, Seattle Stew.
by Nickelman from the boonies. February 25, 2013
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an orgy with all females
i’m going to a vagina stew at the playboy mansion tonight
by a k August 2, 2021
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When you are with a group of people who enjoy a rather odd fetish. This is the act in which a group of people excrete feces into a metal pot and share it with each other.
Person 1-Hey dude you ready for out Detroit beef stew tonight?
Person 2-Oh my god yes,I am so excited!!
by Englishmajor5697 December 15, 2017
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A cosplayer on tiktok. They kinda cool but theyre poor. At least they can junko pose
Person A: do you follow teeth._.stew on tiktok?
Person B: no, whos that?
Person A: eh nvm theyre just a loser
by PacManBrains March 10, 2021
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