Used in sarcasm to insinuate STUPIDITY. To describe a very stupid move, a really dumb person, an idiot, a foolish person, not very smart, slow-minded, slow-witted, a moron, a dumb-pass, stupid, opposite of smart, an embarrassment, not wise, not very sharp, a negative way to describe someone, low intelligence, slang for stupid, not good.
A Cop might say, "How was any of this a good idea, SLICK!?" to a really stupid criminal. Or, you might say to your friend who just locked himself out of his own car, "Good move, SLICK!"
by BeckaBuck November 12, 2018
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"She had the slickest pranks to pull on Avery"
by Kavery April 1, 2019
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Slick stands for slim thick which means you're big boned but not far.
Damn she's slick!
by the praying mantis69 April 13, 2022
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The Antonym of "Ick"

Slick refers to the level before arousal where the female is "slick".
Hearing John blow his nose gives me the ick! But seeing Steve eat gives me the Slick
by Microwavae June 13, 2023
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4 or more slices of pizza.
Do you want a slice of pizza or a slick?
by Phil Jones TMC May 19, 2017
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