Luke is a good friend. He is honest, kind, loving. He plays Rocket League a lot. But this stops him from doing his homework. Moral is #don’tbelikeluke
“Hey who is that”
Oh that is Luke Harvey. He is nice but watch out he might be gay”
by Koolik December 7, 2020
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We are a Family! Always here for one another through anything and everything ; We always got each other’s back through high and lows, We support Eden through everyone of her goals and archievements 💚🖤
Someone : ‘Do you support Eden Harvz?’

Us : ‘Of course! We are apart of the Harvey Family!’
by harlie quenault June 7, 2021
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We support Eden Alicia Harvey, We arealways willing to support one and another through everything and anything! We always got each other’s back ; We are a Family💚🖤
Someone : ‘Do you support Eden Harvz?’
Me : ‘Of course, I’m part for the Harvey Family!’
by harlie quenault June 7, 2021
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Finds pleasure in most things. Will be regularly confused about a lot more things. Likes picking and consuming mushrooms from the middlesbrough moores. Smokes like an industrial northen chimney (this includes vapes, fags and the wacky baccy). An evening without winding down with a lovely can of stella isnt a proper evening for harvey walker. Regularly hops on the sunnies for 6-9 minutes at a time to catch a glowing tan to parade around the middlesbrough region, making the other villages jealous and rage in envy. Cupid struck harvey and is now in an intense long distance relationship (they see eachother often, hes just 5'2) with the german queen. There are no worries in harveys mind as he often says he common catchphrase, "dont even stress man", instead his mind in only full of stella and cheap fags.
by e.Trapz April 25, 2023
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Harvey Walker has the biggest penis and is smart, caring, kind, funny and a bit of a simp tbh. He likes to pose people off but allways makes it right afterwards and will try and help you in any situation. He listens to everything you have to say and is overall a fantastic human
Harvey Walker is amazing
by Slapitappy4000 November 9, 2020
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Where a male beats his opponent into submission then hanging his testicles in his opponents face to establish dominance.
After that guy called John out, he established dominance by giving him a harvey wallbanger.
by Cajunguy82 January 3, 2018
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A person very similar to Jake Brown. He lives in a bin. He is homeless and doesn't like living in a house because 'it smells like money'.
Wow look another Harvey Bowmaker in that bin. Gross poor person.
by 7idge May 16, 2019
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