A really good rapper who makes awesome music that transcends you
man 1:"man did you hear that new ggs that shit's fire" man 2: "yeah ggs is so good."
by J.T tortilla November 29, 2020
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GG YT is a montenegrian youtuber ( full name Good Game Youtube Tube), that posts mainly commentary style youtube content. You may know him by the very iconic line said in his 2022 video "Youtube's Worse Version Of TikTok", the line reading : "March 18th 20201".

The youtube channel was made on the 9th of december 2015, but the content began production in the beginning of 2019.

The first ever video released on the channel (now privated), titled: " *2019 special* Steel is heavia den feathers" was released 2018, december 31. It raked in a total of 89 views. This video was the further kickstarter to the youtube channel.

The channels biggest upload ( Since 2022 ) is a video titled: "Baddie SMP boys groovin" was a huge push in the youtube carrer, receiving 3.9k views whilst drastically increasing subscriber count. This video, unlike others has surpassed the 3 digit mark thus being labeled the most popular video on the channel.

As of documenting, the youtube channel GGYT has 244 Subscribers and 13 uploads, the upload schedule is very unbalanced, but to compensate the content is rather high quality. The upload rate spikes during summer, and drops during winter times.
Guy 1: Hey dude
Dude 1: Yo whats up guy
Guy 1: have you seen that latest GG YT upload? it rocks!!
Dude 1: is this a bad time for me to tell you im cheating on you
by ggeryt April 2, 2023
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.gg/gays is a place where morons are and is mainly used as an insult
you’re so stupid its as if you are from .gg/gays
by Pl000 September 14, 2022
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Guy1: youre so stupid its as if you were from .gg/gays
by Pl0000 September 12, 2022
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If you see one stay 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 feet away. BEWARE: Rapes every one it sees
by joehappy November 24, 2021
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Something used when a person is roasted, burned, or something bad is happening to that person. Created by Nate Workman and Devind Chea.
Arman: “Go make some friends at your own school.”
Nate: *shows pic of Arman’s 4 follower and Nate's 1000 followers* “Armaango make some real friends at your own school”
Group chat: “GG FAMOS”
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in Czech language: "Klasické GG"
means saying gg in an emotional way, expressing you are screwed up.
In English:
Guy A: Hey we didn't pass the test.
Guy B: This is Classic GG.

In Czech:
Chábr A: Hej nedali jsme ten test s Habibim.
Chábr B: Tak to je klasické GG.
by frayer April 30, 2023
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