When you repeatedly smack said person in the face, clockwise or counter clockwise motion with your dick, is a Helicopter Helen.
Helicopter Helen: "I Helicopter Helen'd that bitch so hard, to where she looked sideways for a week!"
by MissSpitfire June 6, 2021
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A very stylish attack helicopter that loves everything aesthetic and is often from South Africa, is Afrikaans and calls everyone pigs or ry ry
She is such a material helicopter
by Tsjsidhjdkdjdj ryry March 22, 2022
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Slapping one's body in a way that resembles the sound of a helicopter in flight.
I heard he was drunk at a bar slapping himself. Oh yeah, he was performing the Skin Helicopter.
by Zackdong February 27, 2021
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One who expresses discomfort when you look at another woman's behind or boobs
that gay boy is a helicopter feminist, he won't even let me look at Gracie's boobs!
by Sevenrainstudio May 26, 2018
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It's a truckers term Its when a truck driver shits in a bag and spins it in circles above there head then launches it where ever
Hey I had to take a huge dump and didnt want to take time to pull off into a truck stop or rest stop so I just pulled over on the interstate and went in a bag and flung a "helicopter toilet "onto the side of the road
by Twiztedbtch72 October 21, 2018
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The act in which you and a partner who catfished you go to one's home to do the sex. The woman hops on the man and spins around like a helicopter.
Hey so do you want to go back to my place and try out the Helicopter Catfish position?
by 123Dumbass456 August 17, 2022
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