it is the most fucking annoying word in the world. people hate it. it is gay.
Guy 1: Yo sup


Guy 1: Fuck you
by TheWildGareBear June 21, 2012
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YOLO, short for "you only live once," is an Internet phrase that obtained a large following in late 2011 and early 2012. It used to be used to express appreciation of life's little things and opportunities, but has since been butchered by being used with any action or phrase.
"omfg lol just killed a homeless guy for another cardboard box #YOLO"

"lmfao i want to see if i can juggle soap in prison and get away with it!!!!11!1!1!!!1! #YOLO"
by CipollaM926 March 28, 2012
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An invitation for one or more person(s) to participate in anal sex.
Jeff: Hey, Janie. Yolo?
Janie: Yeah, come over at six and bring extra towels.
by The Impossible Derek March 20, 2012
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The stupidest thing to come about EVER. It stands for "You Only Live Once." It is very popular on Twitter, and when people use it on said website, you can expect a tweet saying they will do something stupid.
I'm going to go jump off of this 4th floor balcony! #YOLO

I'm going to punch a person with anger management problems! #YOLO

I'm going to do something else really stupid that will possibly injure or kill me! #YOLO
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YOLO, say no no.
Isolate yourself
and just roll solo
Be care-folo
You oughta look out
also stands for YOLO.
by The Last Dalek January 29, 2013
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a 'word' little cunt twelvies use. yolo means you only live once which should actually means shut the fuck up before i shove my twelve inch cock down your yolo yodelling throat. fuck all you yolo twelvies.
Little faggot twelvie smoking cones: YOLO! :DD
Me: Shut the fuck up you little cunt. *smacks over the head with another yodelling yolo cunt*
by ranterlul August 21, 2012
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