One of the most awesome smileys ever made.
Unfortunately most noobs have taken it apon themselfs too use it after every bloody sentence.
It symbolises laughing or a happy face.
Also when written as XD it means that they are laughing hysterically.
Mate: So anyway it was bloody funny.
Me: I'm sure it was xD

Me: So how are you?
Noob: XD
Me: .. Are you going too say or what?
Noob: XD
Me: What the hell...
Noob: XD
by Katehhh March 13, 2008
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A smiley used by weeaboo faggots to express pretend laughter.
by oh guess who mother fucker December 15, 2008
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Internet smilie, which is now becoming completely void of any meaning whatsoever. Unfortunately, its going the same way as "lol". People are killing "xD" by: Over using it in online games (Eg 1), and putting it at the end of their online names (Eg 2).
Eg 1
Dude 1: "Dude that was lyke pwnage"
Dude 2: "xD"
Dude 1: "xD"
Dude 3: "xD"

Eg 2
by AnnoyedBlackGuy July 18, 2006
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A term that is used to make a cringy face, that will probably overcome LOL and everyone will be saying it. It resembles a face with the x as the eyes and the D as the mouth.
Omg this game is so easy I can beat 1 lvl in seconds xD

I can't been it, can you help me?

lol no xd

by Spikefall December 19, 2017
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1. When you see something funny. 2. A smile face. 3. A face you make when you laugh so hard.
That is so funny XD
by Jurta February 22, 2017
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A really annoying face, X is the eyes and D is the mouth, kid's use this alot. like: xd, XD, xD, Xd.

I recommend using lol instead of this expression.
Right Way:
Person 1: *tells a really funny joke*

Wrong Way:
Person 1: hey
Person 2: XD
Person 1: are you?
Person 2: XD
Person 1: um ok..bye! *walks away quickly*
by a girl named avery. February 1, 2018
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