That meeting was a total WOT. If the meeting was a huge waste of time then it was a Mega WOT or even a Giga WOT.
by Steddyo November 29, 2009
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It means wall of text or waste of time. Other variations include WOB, WOL which means waste of bandwidth and waste of life. Used on forums to indicate how useless a thread is.
Threadstarters open a useless thread stating "Omghi i hurd you liek mudkipz and imm going to sleep"

Forummers reply : WOT!
by BoA.Rayan December 27, 2008
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I. A chick that seems cool at first but turns out to be complete waste of time (WOT).

II. A tease.
Yeah I took that chick home...She popped out her precious coin collection so I took split. What a fuckin' WOT!
by Drix February 25, 2005
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Way Off Topic, commonly used in only message boards.
When I tell everyone about intercourse with your mom, during a conversation about making meatloaf!
by Shaner March 27, 2005
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A phrase which one says when he does not have a single fucking idea of what another person has said to him to the degree that he is offended.

Often followed by saying m8, with emphasis on the 8.
Foreigner - *Says something you have no fucking clue about in another language*
You - you wot
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