Adj. To describe a state of unease that you would feel if your life was like the hit TV show The Wire

Noun. An unpleasant situation that could possibly derive from The Wire.
JD: This place scares me, its like The Wire over here.

Bob: You better shut up or your life is gonna be The Wire.
by Ampere Jets April 14, 2010
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the extreme state of euphoria achieved by taking ecstacy, tingling sensation at the top of head. Also the cause of a rocking jaw
Yo i'm wired
by ashley stephenson March 4, 2004
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A monthly-published magazine.

It has to do with electronic and geek things like news-type info and articles about awsome new gizmos.

The editor-in-chief is... I don't know. Hey, why don't you just check out the site?
I recieve WIRED magazine every month.

I enjoy reading it very much as I do not have internet at my house, and am behind in certain news things. It makes me feel smart when I can comment on how was bought, or how today, since 1 billion people are online, one tenth of 1% of the internet's users is 1 million people.

Yaya for WIRED!
by nubluva October 28, 2006
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i smoked 3 bowl loads of crank and now im hella wired!
by becca November 18, 2003
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The constant, massive flow of data being exchanged through the internet which is a world of its own.
Josh is stuck in the Wired. He's torrenting a game, checking Reddit and Metafilter, tweeting and chatting on four different clients.

Sometimes I have trouble telling the Wired and the real world apart.
by hataraxia August 19, 2011
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