Someone who enjoys sex. Used as an insult but it's really not. Humans are sexual beings, embrace it.
A: He's been whoring around all weekend
B: Such a whore!
C: Leave him be, everyone got needs
by Anonymously_Anonymous August 21, 2021
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Raped, Owned, Pwned, Bitched, Taken.
Tom: "Did you see the fight i had yesterday?"
John: "Yeah mate, you got WHORED!!!"
by [3KB] January 12, 2009
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One that sleeps around; can't keep her legs closed and smells.
A girl that gets banged out by guys in brick and does coke therefore she's a whore.
by Morgan Hickman October 13, 2016
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An overly promiscuous man or woman. Unfortunately, this term is used more often for women than men, although men sleep around way more than most women.
Man: That girl is such a whore! She slept with almost as many people as me!
Man 2: Aren't you glad we're men? We can be as big of sluts as we want! And spread more HPV!
by TristaAnn May 9, 2008
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Someone who dresses where their body is overly exposed in a way that is not appropriot for their age. A whore is also someone who has given themselves up to someone who they werent in a real relationship.
Do you see that girl, she is dressed like a whore
by Hempdog August 24, 2017
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Friend: that girl is a complete whore
You: we might have to take her to the curb on Wednesday
by RoninXII January 19, 2022
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A person who showers naked
“Ew you shower naked, you’re a whore!”
by Shower socks July 19, 2021
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