Definition as Long Live The Leader. I use this everytime i kill a person that hates the leader in game.
some random guard: arrest me
Me: it was worth it lmfao
by MetallicTophatAlex January 6, 2021
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Up Your Viva is off a UK television advert for a new music channel called 'Viva.' Up Your Viva is the catchy catchline that it is based on.

It is simply hilarious. Its vivalicous.
Guy 1: Ring Ring....

Guy 2: *sigh*

Guy 1: Hello Mate!!!

Guy 2: Hey ye,, hows it going u alright.. im in the toilet ok.

Guy 1: Urrr Gross!!! Now up it.

Guy 2: I'm not gonna say that here..

Guy 1: You know the rules now up it!..

Guy 2: up your viva.

Guy 1: I cant here ya!

Guy 2: Up Your Viva!

Guy 1: UP YOUR VIVA!!!

Guy 2: UP YoUR ViVA!!

Guy 1: Up your Vivalavidaloca!

Guy 2: Up your VivAA!!!

by VivaaaA October 28, 2009
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The collaberation Album of the two Greatest song writers in the World, Chris Martin and Jay-Z. a CD of Mash-ups consisting of Coldplays Music and Jay`s amazing lyrics.
"Viva La Hova"
Lost remix
With the same sword they knight you, they gon' good night you with
Shit, that's only half if they like you
That ain't even the half what they might do
Don't believe me, ask Michael
See Martin, see Malcolm
See Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome
See Jesus, see Judas
See Caesar, see Brutus, see success is like suicide
Suicide, it's a suicide
If you succeed, prepare to be crucified
- Jay-Z
by lovelifemusic March 30, 2011
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MTV series made by pro-skater & former 'Jackass' star Bam Margera. The series follows Bam & the West Chester crew through their unreal lives as they pull pranks on friends & family, & wreak havoc on the general community.

While many people consider this show very funny, it has many detractors & is definitely not a show everyone will like, much like it's MTV relations, Jackass & Wildboyz.
"Did you see 'Viva la Bam' on the weekend?"

"Yeah man, that was fucking funny when they dug the tunnel under Vito's house!"
by Pretty Like Murder April 23, 2005
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Very funny show in which skater and former 'Jackass' star Bam Margera does stupid stuff that makes many people, including me, laugh. Often does stuff that pisses his uncle Don Vito off, such as hanging his car up in a tree.
Viva La Bam is like Jackass, but better.

Bam Margera: what will he do next?
'Whatever the fuck I want."
by AJAW July 4, 2004
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1. 2008 song of the year by Coldplay

2. spanish for "live the life"
Chris: What did you think of the Itunes Viva la Vida Commericial?
Will: Man the Drum was heavy!
by Viva with Clocks March 10, 2009
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A catch-phrase from a UK television advert which advertises a new channel called 'Viva'.
It is a game: when someone calls you and says 'up your viva' you have to say it back wherever you are or whatever you're doing.
Guy: *calls girl*
Girl: Hello?
Guy: Up your Viva!
Girl: I'm in a meeting.
Guy: You know the rules! No exceptions, now up it!
Girl: Up your Viva.
Guy: Louder!
Girl: Up your Viva!!
by LexieLove November 1, 2009
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