A person who is very goog at sneaking, stealth, and acrobatics, like a type of ninja-theif. To tuck is to sneak about,
as cited in Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain.
We tucked around the garden fence, keeping in the shadows.

Tom was quite a tucker. He snuck right up to Jim, took his hat, and placed it in the branches of the tree he was sleeping under.

The gaurd began to awaken, but that tucker was over the wall and into the forest before he could open his eyes.
by A Somnour of Baldeswelle February 25, 2009
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A character on the game of DC Universe Online that claims to be a female but is actually a male, and therefore, refuses to use it's mic. These THINGS have often been catered to by the character Hale because he falls for their false gender claims.
Crimson Dragon: Ay yo Bomber, where is Hale?
HL Bomber: Probably out boostin another tucker!
by CrimDrag May 14, 2012
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Tucker is a handsome man with sexy blue eyes. Tucker is good at almost everything he does from video games to sports. He is also amazing in bed;)
Woah that guy is so handsome. He’s a Tucker.
by Jimmylol69 May 4, 2019
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He’s that buzz cut guy with a little dick he like cows and he wants his little brother
Jamie come here I’m going to smell you teeth” Tuckers
by Jesus himself69420 December 15, 2021
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A trendy female, typically, who tucks her skinny jeans into her boots.
Alternatively, a trendy male who tucks his skinny jeans behind the tongue of his (limited edition) Dunks.
205 Christie was packed with tuckers last night because one of the guys from Spank Rock was spinning.
by h+j February 22, 2007
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someone who gets whipped with his girlfriend and wont spend as much time with his friends
hey wanna hang out no i cant im hanging out with my girlfriend. God why are you such a tucker
by McLovinn January 9, 2008
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1. Cranky, old coot that has a fond admiration of relish and vacuums
2. One who asks too many questions
Walking across the parking lot to move a car, he was blindsided by a nervous Tucker.
by neilt5656 January 27, 2009
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