Tote adj. To be very cool or awesome.
"Erik and Kayla are very Tote."
by Margs December 31, 2005
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Slang - (Queens)English for smoke, (toke,) drink and shag endless supplies of women.
Come to central Lisbon so we can tote togther for a night.
by Jack June 22, 2004
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evanna: wasn't that so funny?

susan: totes (as you roll susan rolls her eyes)
by lsdurbaname January 19, 2011
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As "totes" (meaning 'totally') has been heard for years coming out of the mouths of dumb air-head Valley-girl types, it has now devolved into meaning any dumb young girl, especially the hanger-on types, which involves a bit of pun fun as it refers back to another more classic meaning on "totes" as in: a bag; also a hanger-on, groupie, camp follower. Also, just about any empty-headed woman, as in "papa's got a brand new bag!" *ding-a-ding-a-ding-a-ding- <big horn stinger!>
That idiot kutcher was seen with two blond 16 year-old totes that giggled the entire time he was standing there.
by parasvati October 12, 2011
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Short for totally. Seems to orginate from Fort Collins, Colorado.
Friend A: (enthusiastically) This band is totally bane!

Friend B: (enthusiastically) Totes to the motes, bro, totes to the motes!
by the_old_days January 10, 2010
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