Tying a string around the tip of a penis until it turns blue.
Hey babe tonight I want a blue toboggan before I cum in your face.
by Beerandweed August 12, 2023
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An extremely large and buoyant cock that is usually the entertainment at midget birthday parties instead of pony rides.
Hey you ugly sack of defective genes! It's your birthday, so you're the first one to get to ride the cock toboggan! Don't fall off!
by Johnny U. May 30, 2005
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a donkey toboggan is when you are ------- a girl in the butt at the top of the stairs and you donkey punch her and ride her down the stairs like a toboggan
by bubba parker September 20, 2006
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The Southern Toboggan: n - the act of placing one's scrotum ontop of another person's head in such a fashion that the sight resembles a winter toboggan with a ball on top

The Southern Toboggan: v - physically placing one's scrotum ontop of another person's head in such a fashion that the sight resembles a winter toboggan with a fluffy ball on top
Jeff, I gave your sister the southern toboggan last night, she liked it a lot and let them sit there all night and then blew on them later.
by STman July 31, 2006
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While having sex the guy shoves his dick in the girls ass and rides her down the stairs.
Dude you should totally polish toboggan this girl tonight.
by Omg itz reptar August 11, 2009
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during sex, flip your girl over on her stomach and stick ur dick in her rectum, then ride her down the stairs.(may cause rug burn)
Hey man!..i heard u gave that girl a redneck toboggan!
by Glen Thomas May 18, 2007
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1.n. Canadian version of the chocolate bobsled.
2.v. the sexual act of defacating on a woman's chest then ejaculating on said excrement thus simulating a poutine-like substance and then titty-fucking her.
To celebrate Richard's hat trick he finished Bridget off with a chocolate toboggan.
by Budd Licker October 10, 2007
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