Man I got a new pair of blades because my old ones didn't fit anymore
by J0$e November 21, 2009
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rims for a car as in the song "wanna be a baller"
wanna be a baller, shot caller
20 inch blades on the impala
by w01f June 4, 2005
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A young girl, used in the north-west of Ireland.
There's that wee blade young McGeady shifted in the barn other nite there.
That wee blade's some shelf on her.
by thebdogg November 30, 2006
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That guy (your ex/treats you like crap) who you can't resist a booty-call from. (From Community S03E15)
Sorry guys, have to break our plans. Blade texted me....
by Bladelover November 24, 2012
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Blade, amongst other definitions, refers to a female stoner. Usually a blade is a young female adult who likes to get high and may have a playful, provocative, even aggressive personality.
John's new girlfriend is a sharp blade; she is a lot of fun and knows how to spark up.
by Doctor AA May 20, 2010
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By ratting out a fellow student to an instructor, the person is blading that student. The back stabber is a blade.
by scottyrocker February 16, 2005
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A calm quick thinking person. Fit but doesnt seem to be so, just hides it. Part goth.
by Blade_the_original March 31, 2008
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