n. a sophisitcated, complicated, and extremely intense combination of precision aiming and the perfection of the plethora of forward arm mechanics. Put a round, circular object of any weight, density, and size in the hand of the one throwing it (such objects have ranged from grapes (to perhaps lacrosse balls)... and target it at the male physiological region that foremost distinguishes the males from female of the species.

can be used as a verb "to tink."
Student 1: "I'm going to tink you so hard you'll hate your parents for making you."

Student 2: "Please don't, I want to be able to have children!"

Student 3: "You better cover up your crotch then."
by Steven Leung August 16, 2006
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When A Girl Rides on a guys dick that is less than four inches.
Stef was riding the tink-tink last night for so long Jeremiah lost his soul
by Stephanie Hopez October 27, 2007
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When someone taps something with their foot or hand and it makes a ringing noise.
Tyler tried to board slide the rail, but he only tinked it and everyone made fun of him.
by skaterboy99 July 4, 2012
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Two Incomes No Kids - A married couple who is more concerned about maintaining their current lifestyle rather than raising a child/children. Usually urban dwellers and the thought of a child is "icky" and inconvenient to their jet-setting ways.
Friend 1: "When are John and Jane going to have a kid, they've been married for five years and aren't getting any younger?"
Friend 2: "I think that they are pretty content to remain TINKs so they can continue their clubbing lifestyle."
Friend 1: "Probably a good thing as the kid would probably be neglected anyway."
by #Zombieapocalypse June 1, 2012
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a derogatory term meaning retarded or stupid.
I don't understand this homework!
You are such a tink

She called me a Tinker.
How Horrible!

by Mia tellers January 8, 2009
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That guy is more tinky than most girls .
by JadeyJade September 10, 2008
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to let just a little pee out, especially in certain situations
shortened form of tinkle
i laughed so hard i tinked.
i sneezed so hard i tinked.
by Michelle March 17, 2005
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