A curse word used in an Indian language called Kannada.
murka: you're such an asshole

moora: nin ajji
by sescy mofo July 2, 2017
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When you feel like some ass and juh wanna feel good again
Goddamn, I feel Nin Shlumped, I juh wanna cry
by shlumpmastaa September 8, 2021
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a woman trained in martial arts and hired for sabotage or assassination; a woman skilled in ass-kicking
The crowd dispersed in screams when the nin-gyne leaped from the bushes with a fit of fury.
by Karen Frances Walker May 16, 2008
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A fraud of the real nins. Often found with an afro or friar tuck haircut.
Anthony Ferruci
by the real Coon Cam August 6, 2003
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Born 9 Days apart in November 1990
Australian Italian Calabrese
Double First Cousins. Best Friends. Pretty much sisters like twins. Hilarious. Fun.. TO THE MAX. A couple of nUtS!. Number 1. Ninjob. Cata. Freaks. FUN DRUNKS. SEXY PARTY. sleepovers. Lunches. Cappuccinos & Long Blacks from grinders. DD. B. Never had a fight or dissagreement that lasted longer than 5 secs ;). ST JOES HOES Graduates 08. MILDURA girls :) Waggers. Fruits. wonderful. High fives in every situation are appropriate if your cata and nin. awesome. shit pant. perfect. 'smart'. "them..." "hahahahahaha shit your funny"... we think we r funny... and good people :)
Together every spare min between year 1999 to 2009.... possibly far far longer...
"Cata & Nin"
"Nin & Cata"
"Love from Caterina & Antonina De Maria"

"ohh here come Nin and Cata"
"hey Nina... hey Cata"

"thats such a cata n nin thing"

by cata and nin January 30, 2009
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Slang for Ninja Kitty or Ninja Cat. Can also be used to describe a girl with epic awesome moves.

Originated from the series Naruto in which animal summons begin with 'Nin'

Use began at Dragon Con 06 during which a Naruto fangirl created it and started using it as her name, and famously continues to use it today.
"Did you see her beat up that guy?"

"Yeah man! That was a total Nin-Kitty!"
by Nin-Kitty January 10, 2009
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Anish: Bro you have a hot gf
U: nin amman kaya shut up!
by anish_is_lovede September 20, 2021
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