the worst team in all of baseball history. can have a winning season then mess it up some how. see Bartman
Cubs Fan: HA HA your cheering for a loosing season this year.
Sox Fan: So. What do you think you've been doing your entire life...
Cubs Fan: ......
Sox Fan: That's what I thought. Oh! and they'll end up with a losing record this year some how.
by JMac778 May 11, 2007
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A cub aka cashed up bogan: a person who is wealthy but still does the stereotypical things a bogan would do
like wear the black tight jeans and a metallica shirt with the mullet
person 1: look at that bogan over there
person 2: no thats a cub

by sensesfailed November 12, 2006
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Cub-Confused Ugly Bitch
That girl thinks she is really hot. Too bad she is just a cub.
by gmfh November 6, 2010
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Cubs fan: The Cubs are the best! Sox Suck! Did Sammy Sosa hit a homer yesterday?
by P.e.t.e.r October 6, 2007
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A woman of unparalleled beauty, whose smile lights up a room, and whose laugh warms my heart. She is open, funny, friendly, and utterly breathtaking. She thrills me in new ways each day and in each moment together. I will never get tired of her, for its enough simply to be with someone so incredible and amazing. She may be eternities away, yet still my heart still stops each time I look into her eyes. She is my only thought. My one person and my other half. My dream and my fantasy. Every moment apart is blissful agony; knowing what we have and what it could be. The only one worth waiting for. The best thing ever and forever.
Surfer : aah sick barrel dude, that must make you feel on top of the world, best wave ever!
Me : yeah bru, its a total cub
by keepgoingon August 3, 2010
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A cub is a young girl or guy who has a "thing" for men/women older then them. A cub can find them either more emotionally or physically attractive then the opposite sex their own age.
Alice: "You were flirting so much with that one guy!"
Mel: "I know, but I can't help it!"
Alice: "He was like ten years older then us! You are such a cub!"
by youissodumm August 9, 2010
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to choke, continually lose, to come close but never make it. In reference to the Chicago Cub's of baseball. Also see cubbed for past tense.
"I wonder how Cubs will cub it this year."
"I dunno but I bet they cub it in the NLCS"
"Did you see the time the Cubs lost because htat fans caught the ball"
"Yeah they really cubbed it that year."
by EScrote August 4, 2009
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