A timely variation of a regular cream pie; The visual impression of a females vulva after completing unprotected intercourse during her monthly menstrual cycle.
Like any true cuckold, Dan loves it when his wife, Mary, comes home and demands he clean up the Cherry Cream Pie that Reggie delivered only moments earlier.
by ODannyBoy July 29, 2006
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term given after you cum in an asshole
wow check out that anal cream pie
by todd page June 6, 2004
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When a man puts maple syrup in a woman's vagina before sex. He then ejaculates inside if her, making a gooey mess of syrup and semen.
Jane has to shower because John gave her a Canadian cream pie.
by premiumwords October 23, 2012
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Banana Cream Pie is the act of putting a whole or peice of a banana in your female partners vagina before she cums, having her sit on your face, then eating her out swallowing the banana and cum pressed to your mouth, thus giving the effect of eating a Banana Cream Pie.
... "That girl I picked up from Adams party last night is super kinky! She fed me a warm messy Banana cream pie, super creamy if you know what I mean"
by 1NN0VAT3R October 2, 2014
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Two penises, one vagina, some cum, you can figure out the rest.
Damn, I got a huge double cream pie last night. I think I might have twins...
by The man who raped ur sister February 22, 2017
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1. When your having sex with someone and when they go to climax they shit every where. 2. An actual cream pie with the grinches face on it.
“Dude I gave that girl a nasty grinch cream pie

Bro sick

“Yeah I gave her a grinch cream pie she said it was the best she had”

“Nice maybe you’ll go for a second date”
by Big nipple man September 17, 2019
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The act of a male ejaculating inside an anus. The receiver of the ejaculate will relax the anal walls allowing an undetermined amount of semen and fecal matter to leak out, thus creating the stinky cream pie.
Kenny: Hey bro that dude broke up with me.

Richard: What happened man, you two seemed so happy?
Kenny: I gave him a stinky cream pie and it ruined his expensive bed sheets.

Richard: Wow, I can't believe he didn't appreciate the stinky cream pie, your mom loves them!
by NastyCee February 5, 2016
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