Informal spelling of "your" or "you're"
by Charles_21 June 1, 2016
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Ur is a abriviation for your
"Wow, ur shoes are so old."
"Ur mom is so fat that she brought a spoon to the super bowl."
by Noah Armon March 17, 2022
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You: "Why did you make a joke I wanted to know the meaning of ur?"
Me: "Because you're a 1st grader with no brain."
by a black girl on the internet January 2, 2021
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A person no-one likes and can't stop a hockey ball to save life. He doesn't like fish, espically guppies. Usally first person to say, "oh my word" in a gay voice.
Stop being a Urs!

I wish Urs wasn't such a idiot...
by PRG Raptor May 31, 2014
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Synonym for your or you're. A simple convenient abbreviation.
some of the previous writters above are very critical,the use of the "slang" word ur is not moronic or lazy. it's simply convenient and quicker. it's not necessary to spell every word correctly or to avoid abreviations.its not as if you people are going to go around examening every bit of text in site, or so i hope and if you do do that than u need to get "ur" life in order.
by nathan1994 March 16, 2009
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If you don't know what's ur means . Then you're dumb ..
What is ur name?
What is ur favorite color?
by Zeroto100realquickdawg December 23, 2015
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You are.
Ur good at kicking the soccer ball.
Ur is the same as you're or you are.
by Alexis Marin January 10, 2012
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