A writing from the artist that explains there work to some degree, usually fraught with words that they nor the viewer know. It does also typically include formal elements of the work, themes, and contextual information. More typically these statements of less than a page leave readers more confused than when they viewed the artists work, as the artist explains their work as if they were on LSD.
That artist statement is amazing, I can't even tell if I am a self-aware human being right now.

Andy Warhol said that he did not need an artist statement, "there is nothing behind it".
by punkrawkz7 February 28, 2012
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A code word for making out with your girl. Useful in situations where others are present.
The Boys: What took you so long dropping off your girl?
Dude: Oh you know, just writing mission statements.
by 50ShadesOfGayy May 20, 2020
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A statement said in the form of a question.

For instance: "You're retarded" would be said like "You're retarded?".
Person 1: I was so surprised when I found out she was actually a guy.

Person 2: You're retarded? She had a beard, and a boner the whole time.

by Phreddyddy August 19, 2008
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Like a rhetorical question, a rhetorical statement is one that doesn't need to be commented on. When a person says something that isn't meant to start a conversation.
Bob: My girlfriend just dumped me for a man-whore
Jack: Ha sucker! I told you this would happen!
Bob: You douche it was a fucking rhetorical statement!
by iIsChIlLiN May 31, 2009
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Like a rhetorical question, a rhetorical statement is one that doesn't need to be commented on. When a person says something that isn't meant to start a conversation, but is usually just sarcastic.
Example of a Rhetorical Statement:

Simon: Yeah,define it for me.
Irene: You're kind of a sarcastic little shit, aren't you?
by Irene 1725 September 20, 2018
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A leading statement is similar to a leading question in that it makes an open ended or attention grabbing statement to influence a person to think a certain way or do something. A common use of this is in article or thumbnail clickbait, where a leading statement is used to imply something else.
That Youtuber has a very clickbait-y, leading statement as his title.
by Nutmeg??? November 9, 2018
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A string of platitudes serving as a bureaucratically acceptable substitute for a direction for effort.
The vision statement, "children with disabilities and their families have access to a coordinated system of mental health services in order to improve educational and social outcomes," suffers from a complete lack of actual measurement of whether the effort will ever accomplish any favorable outcome, or indeed any outcome at all beyond establishing (and funding) a “system” and giving some people “access” to it.
by Ignatius Donnelly September 28, 2005
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