stanoods, is a slang term commonly known in the united states, where abrevies, (abreviations), are regularly used, to shorten words to a more recognized form. In this case, shortening pasta and noodles to form sta noods. This is the mixture of pasta and noodles into one concoction. VERY DELICIOUSSSS!!
1.)"yo man, what are we having for dinner tonight"

2.)"dude, were having sta noods brother"

1.)"whats that man"

2.)"its a combination of pasta and noodles, you didnt know that, woahhh"

1.)"dude, thats totally awesome"
by benhamean hold July 14, 2008
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STA=Ghetto way of saying St.Albans

St.Albans= Ghetto in Hertfordshire,England. Dont walk the streets of STA without some kind of wepon, eg. AK47, Knife
James:Aye I'm going to STA tonight?

Max:What! Do you wanna get your self killed? I aint going there, im too pussy for the streets of St.Albans. I have to be back in my house by six or my dad will spank me!

STA St.Albans
by ThaBigBoss October 6, 2006
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stAcraft aka bw
wanna stA
lets stA
im gonna stA
by RaVeMasTa March 10, 2003
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A shoe created by Nigo , a man from tokyo who invented his own style. Popularized by Pharell from the Neptunes.
Youngbuck: what dem kicks be like
me: man them are bathing apes aka bape stas mayne
youngbuck: yooooooo imma cop the shi+s them shi+$ lookk hard ,iite mayne
me: iite 1
by jnwpse July 7, 2006
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A person who lives in a lower middle class suburb who has criminally, socially or morally corrupt parents that don't hesitate to buy anything for their child. This person or G Sta will act like they have had a tough oppressed childhood and in many ways project the image that they grew up in a ghetto of some sort. These people are what an objective person would call "deranged" or what a subjective person would call a "douche", "loser" or "cunt"
Normal individual #1: "Hey man did you see that G Sta drive passed in the 30 grand commodore his dead beat father bought for him?"

Normal individual #2: "Yeh what a douche, he's always complaining about how tough life is on the streets"
by Craig2314 April 25, 2007
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It is a term used to make fun of a someone that thinks they’re a tough guy but in reality aren’t what they seem to be. Typically it is pronounced like a typical Italian from New York. This term is most commonly used by Howard Beach guidos.
Ohhhh, Porn Sta. Look at Matt and fucking Daniel standing together, I’d fucking eat Danny’s ass. Oh my god, Look at the size difference. Ughhhh, what the fuck!”
by TheBigMP February 28, 2019
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Said as if you sound out S-T-F-U (stfu),
To Tell to Shut the F**K Up (or STFU);
To Make Someone be quiet;
To Yell with one word.
The Kid Was Annoying So I Told Him to Sta Fuu!
by Mr_Gates April 28, 2005
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