to ejaculate on someones nipple and rub it in
bro i gave here the best snizz nipple
by kyl# May 26, 2023
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A snizz cock is a derogatory term used to describe a guy that has fucked one of your ex girlfriends to purposly piss you off
Yo fuckin mike is a total snizz cock! We all saw him boning rebecca in the tgi fridays parking lot two days after john broke up with her.

I cant believe jamal would snizz cock monica the same day we broke up. Thought i could trust that nigga
by Insert Name Here March 24, 2015
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To expel semen from the nose at the climax of felatio.
I gave my girlfriend a handful of kleenex after she snizzed all over herself.
by Jason and Audrey May 15, 2008
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A labia that is thick and protrudes from the vaginal lips. It also may wrap around in a circular motion.
Sal: Yo, I fucked this bitch last night that was straight sprortin' a chunky cobra snizz.
by Ned Flanders Blalock Ray April 14, 2008
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The calcium deposit left in a urinal drain pipe. Usually a viscous ooze, off white in colour. Smells like dried urine.
I scraped the urinal snizz into a bucket. Don't get any urinal snizz on you
by Mrbatery November 18, 2018
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When you snipe someone in the face playing games and shit on them giving them no chance at doing anything
Alex - “yo I need help I’m about to die”.
Me - “don’t worry bro, I just Snizzed him, he was shit”.
Alex - “haha, Sucks to be him”.
by Fat Dead Kid January 30, 2022
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