Ex1: Boomer: whats minecraft? Gamer: shut the fuck up boomer

Ex2: Boomer: phone bad. Gamer: shut the fuck up boomer
by Jesus Christ is my [removed] October 15, 2019
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1. A way to convey your annoyance or other displeasure at another person’s remarks.

2. An expression of disbelief.

3. Describes a successful outcome of definition 1.
1. Person A: “Did you hear that in the new Star Wars movie, towards the en-“
Person B: “Shut the fuck up! You’re gonna spoil it for me!”

2. Person A: “Dude, Alex bought a brand new Bugatti Chiron!”
Person B: “Shut the fuck up, are you serious?”

3. Person A: “I told Eric not to spoil the end of the new Star Wars movie and he shut the fuck up.”
by mayanaze July 20, 2018
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When someone tries to explain something, and has a loud voice, and you randomly shout out, "Shut the fuck up Bitch!" and make them rage.
Raid leader: Okay guys we are about to try ......

by Cretus April 11, 2017
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Greek acronym for shut the fuck up and die.
Archimedes, please shut the fuck up and die.
by Rap Scholar March 29, 2005
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well basically shut the fuck up nerd means shut the fuck up nerd. is it that hard to understand?
NerdyHipster: Interpol rawx ma sawx cant wait till their new album comes out LAWLz
SomeonewhoisSmart: shut the fuck up nerd
by ok123 April 4, 2006
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A sandwhich made for someone who was just complaining non stop about his wife not making him anything to eat for dinner.
Jon came over last night and after a half hour of bitching i went to the kitchen and made him a shut-the-fuck-up-wich.
by Letothewhototheha April 16, 2010
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Everyone went silent because it was "shut the fuck up good."
by tvav February 14, 2020
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