Retaliating to an insult by rising from your chair, leaping into the air, spreading your arms wide and rotating in a helicopter like fashion in order to create enough centrifugal force to stun your opponent with your rapidly revolving cock.
My boss gave me a poor performance evaluation so I leapt from my chair and roundhouse cock-slapped the son of a bitch with such force that the resounding thunder clap of my cock striking his cheek left a Phallic shaped bruise that lasted for a week.
by Germanicus Cockslapickus October 2, 2016
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a technique used by karate experts like Chuck Norris, Stephen Segal and Barry Gleeson to knock out anything that has a heartbeat
.....see that bouncer over there, I know if I had to I could go over there and roundhouse kick to the face!

do you want a roundhouse kick to the face
by ikethefiend October 27, 2010
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When you are an attractive teenager and you go up to the autistic kid in class and let him eat out your pussy and he bites it thinking its a chew toy and you get whatever infectious disease he has in his saliva.
I can not believe im gonna die because that kid gave me a Forrest Gump roundhouse.
by I love mcu February 23, 2019
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A list of horrible/aggravating small children whom you wish to roundhouse kick out of your life.
You: "Ugh, we've gotta add her to the Roundhouse Kick List."
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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Sean Totally did it in the year 2032. Die Mad Aout It!
"Dude, I totally kicked that asteroid back into the cosmos with my Roundhouse of Godly Kicks and saved the planet earth in the year 2032. This is why we don't skip leg day!"
by Bro132 April 27, 2021
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When you're fucking a chick and she tells you she has an std, you pull out quickly out roundhouse her in the pussy
Dude, i was fucking this chick last night and she told me she had herpes, I roundhouse pussy kicked the shit out of her
by Nutbusterdeluxe December 22, 2009
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its where you swing your leg around the whole house (or building) and kick whoevers getting on your nerves in the throat.

or it can just be used as a threat.
"T-pain if you don't stop using auto-tune you gone get roundhouse kick in the throat"

T-pain: Ooh i cant beliieve it he, he, he, want to kick me, kick me na, na you cannot kick me, Nawww!

R: i thought i told you to stop using auto-tune!?
by BLCKbarbie November 29, 2010
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