Acronym that means "Really Laughing," for those times you actually are laughing and do not want to use a filler acronym like "LOL", "LMAO", etc.
"Hey man, wanna her a joke?"
"Okay, why did seven eat nine?"
"Are you sure you're saying it right?"
"Uh, yeah??...Oh wait."
"Wow, I'm "RL" right now. That's hilarious."
"Shut up!
by The6822crew November 20, 2010
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A god at rocket league. Flip resets, air dribbles, musty flicks, breezy flicks, tornado flicks, keemstomp, kuxir pinch, backboard reads, double taps, anything. You name a move and he is the master at it. He is the best RL player in the world with 3000 mmr in 3s, 2s, and 1s. He could go pro if he wants, but he doesn't want to expose the noobz like squishy.
Damn bro, I wish I could hit a triple flip reset like Ram RL
by Your Mother's Uncle's Cousin October 9, 2020
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A Phrase said by Jeremy in the show PurePwnage (

Your a n00b at RL means: Your a n00b at Real Life. (see "n00b")
eg. David: Your a n00b @ RL
Ash: *cries*
by Swiss_Cheese August 27, 2006
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Someone who deliberately aggravates or annoys someone by refusing all logic towards any valid point's given in an argument, usually because of stubbornness or general need to be right.
Or un-deliberately by having a general lack of knowledge on the subject while remaining to have a narrow minded discussion and refusing to consider any other opinions, or facts while reassuring themselves with what little knowledge they have.

All of which usually involve from the 'Troll' or 'Troller' after it/they have been proved wrong on one or more occasion.
Rush: You just can't have a thousand folds in a katana
Troll: Nah man, my mate has a katana, he said it had a thousand folds
Rush: but yo...
Troll: nah it just has a thousand fucking folds man
Rush to customer: that guy was such a RL (Real life) Troll
by Silly Mushroom January 11, 2011
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A kid that plays rocket league all days and spins and the air and hit sick reads and octa helis in training
Yo I am a rl freestyler
by Rngz April 28, 2022
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the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

the state of being connected by blood or marriage.

the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave toward each other.
wow well ion really wanna be in a rls witchu so..
by weloveoldies May 30, 2022
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BAG CHASERS , Don’t entertain all the beef just get to the BAG
by BAGCHASGERS November 2, 2023
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