a logical reason for making a decision
the rational motive for buying the car is because of the amazing features and benefits
by ab_yeah. November 6, 2007
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When a man does not release all his semen in his load to increase the amount of loads he can provide during the night.
Dakota, cum rationing does not allow you to have sex 7 times in a night.
by Swag Chair February 10, 2015
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, when you see your friends or family members who don’t live under your roof either one-on-one or in groups whether it be standing 6 feet apart from each other and not moving from that spot, meeting in cars in the parking lot, walking or riding bikes together on opposite sides of the street, or holding exercise classes in the street. These people are practicing creative distancing, but it is slightly different because people who practice rationalized distancing think it’s okay because they list the precautions they had taken and will argue with those who don’t agree with them—it was only five minutes, they sat 6 feet apart, we monitored their behavior, it was just a playdate, the only other place we go is the grocery store, I’m healthy, we’re all healthy. However, according to MIT research “mucus and saliva can burst from a person’s mouth at nearly a hundred miles an hour and travel as far as 27 feet.” This method of distancing is flawed, selfish, and breaks all social distancing rules.
Joe met up with his two brothers at his house and practiced rationalized distancing by saying it was okay because they only met for 10 minutes. Now, all three brothers and their entire families have Coronavirus.
by Macblue April 23, 2020
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A synonym mainly used in response to a rational argument. Used only by Ameera.
Person 1: 3/4 = x/4 solves to x = 3
Person 2: Rational beans, man. Rational beans.
by rationalbean May 29, 2020
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1. When actual reality conflicts with ones view of reality, the afflicted person rationalizes a permutation of reality that 'feels' better.

2. Typically expresses an inability to distinguish between fact and opinion.

3. Lying to oneself.
Claiming there were dinosaurs on Noah's ark is an exercise in self rationalization.
by D0gvomit December 19, 2016
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The fact of having sex with someone that you don't particularly find attractive, but that is objectively beautiful or commonly known as sexy.
Peter : Hey mate, how was your date yesterday night ?
John : Oh, we had rational sex.
Peter : Both of you ?
John : Yeah...
by Dolvido June 10, 2012
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He is a youtuber , i dont know much about him but i know that he does debunking about videos that are irrational and have fallacies . He is good , just that his channel is kinda underrated so i have put up his definations up here 'cause many people can see him here .

Thank you
Person 1 - Do you know rationality rules?
Person 2 he is, he is my favourite!
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