Actually this word literally means go fuck your mom, not son of a bitch.
Putang means fuck, Ina means mom, and Mo means you. Son of a Bitch is actually anak ng puta.
by Millimo October 10, 2005
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A Filipino phrase that is used to express anger, disappointment, disgust, hate, shock et. al. Is used in almost any context. Literally means "Your mother is a whore". From the Spanish word "puta". Used in the same manner as "fuck", "fuck you" or "son of a bitch" in English. Related: puta, putangina, tangina, puta ka, pukingina mo.
Putang ina mo tarantado kang puñeta ka. Mamatay ka na gago.
(Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit, you cunt. Die.)

Putangina , bagsak nanaman ako sa Calculus.

(Fuck, I failed Calculus again.)
by Brío April 9, 2016
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a word used to define your mother as a hooker.

also a swear word.

real meaning is "your mother is a hooker"
Putaning ina mo, hayop ka!
by fafa thomz March 17, 2005
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is a Filipino version of "son of a bitch!" (anak ng puta!) but only said in a reversed manner. "Putang ina mo!" in tagalog literally means, "your mom's a bitch!".

FYI: it is never meant as "go fuck your mom"
umalis ka dito! putang ina mo! (get out of here! you son of a bitch!)
by henyo April 19, 2008
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Son of a Bitch translated in Filipino language.... Putang=Bitch Ina=Mother Mo=your/// Your mother is a bitch!!!
Putang Ina Mo!!!
by Manoc17_Nikkipie November 9, 2003
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is a phrase that should not be used by other nationality,
only used by pilipinos it is a bad word
in english your a motherfucker
there are also other types of this:
tangina mo, tangna mo, tangena mo, potangena,
pota, futangina mo etc.
putang ina mong gago ka ha! tangina ka! ano?! putangina mo! mamatay ka na tangina kang puta ka
by exdeath April 14, 2009
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it is a filipino word or term meaning 'you're son of a bitch!' or its like saying that his/her mother is a whore.
by yougeez April 22, 2016
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