A place where parents send their children because they either because want to waste money or because they think it'll be different from public school, although it isn't. Parents are such idiots.
Joel's going to a male only private school. What a faggot.
by Zoe Anne Chua Kaw February 24, 2008
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A school with usually alot of snob and is harder to get better grades in then public school...
Private Schooler- My GPA sucks.... (2.0)
Public Schooler- Really I hardly try (3.3)
by bored out of mind January 10, 2008
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flondes, (fake blondes for you private schoolers reading this) and for some reason, the girls always know how to look like a hoe or completely retarted popping their button downs from Ralph Lauren that are wrinkled- becuase they cost 30$ more if the come wrinkled. With your tiny purse resting onthe inside of your elbow and the hand and rest of the arm looking like a spazzing epilectic seizure attacked kid. PUT YOUR ARM BY YOUR SIDE OR YOUR PURSE ON YOUR SHOULDER.

You probgably think your better than everyone else because you pay a few grand to lose to Dulaney's lacrosse teams. Your not better, you don't learn more- your worse- you think your better because mommy and daddy don't care if their little girl drinks smokes and still finds a way to make the lacrosse team.
That private school girl looked queer in her orphan-from-the-20's-outfit in the mall this SATURDAY morning.

That private school kid must not have seen his apperance this morning- because he looks like shit and IT IS POSSIBLE TO OVER-PREP. dont do it in public places- over prep where you can't hurt the growing kids
by wax it some more patskowski April 21, 2005
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The biggest bullshit hole full of fake,deluded,selfish brats who have never heard the word no in their lives! these kids leave school thinking that they are superior to everybody who was less privileged or couldn't afford private education,simply because this is how they were trained to think! They also seem to think that public school kids all envy them for some unknown fucking reason and their vein attempt to make people think that they're not snobs is absolutely pathetic and everyone can see through this stupid little act of theirs! Now before all the riverboat boarding school girls and rugby jock boys think that I'm just some "jealous" scumbag or as some of them would like to use the term "knacker" they would be highly mistaken, as much as it disgusts me I'm a private school attendee! I was transferred from a public school and I'm telling you the free education alternative is a far better idea as you get the chance to meet all sorts of people not just the typical upper middle class who drive big cars and live in the suburbs! Now don't get me wrong I am very privileged but unlike some of the shits I go to school with I don't think it makes me better than those who perhaps can't afford what I have! So yeah basically my point is that private schools are just genuine shitholes!
Private school: run by snobs to create future snobs.
by I'm unreal 2001 June 11, 2016
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I don't agree with all you fucking idiots, private school is for snobby rich idiots. All of you are just in private schools and lying to yourself.
by ζ༼Ɵ͆ل͜Ɵ͆༽ᶘ February 29, 2020
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A school were a bunch of stuck up twats go to get gay anal fucked by there peers aka queers all the rich posh squeekers go there if a kid from a private got in a fight with public school kid his jaw would most lightly be stomped into the curb and his face bottled
Private school kid: oh you there peasant your not strong

Public school kid: go on then u cunt I'll smack u head u dick head

Private school kid: dead
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When a student who goes to private school thinks they are tough as shit, but actually they are soft and protected, and would probably get the shit kicked out of them if they went to a public school.
Person 1: Man, Billy thinks he’s so tough and badass.

Person 2: Haha, that dude is private school hard. Billy is a bitch.
by Assholeteacher May 7, 2018
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