Potatoness (adj.) (PO-Tay-Toe-Ness) the act of being potato like or in other words being like Lucilla Faith. 2. The act of laying around and being lazy.
x: wow look at that potatoness lucilla is doing 2. Wow look at all the potatoness Cori has going on. Just laying on the couch like that. 3 sorry I was late, I had too much potatoness going on
by Alpha Defender September 5, 2015
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Guy 1: My computer can't run League of Legends, it always lags so much!

Guy 2: Your computer's a fucking potato.
by atuewio324651 July 26, 2023
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Someone named potato is the most powerful being in the universe and can destroy entire galaxies with just a thought.
You do not want to mess with a potato. You will most likely be killed.
Man, i'm kind of scared of that Potato dude, i heard he kills anyone who puts pineapple on pizza.
by A different random guy October 27, 2018
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The proper spelling of the starchy root-vegetable, according to then-vice-president Dan Quayle as he tried to correct a small child in spelling.
<Child> "Potato. P-o-t-a-t-o. Potato."
<DQ> "Thats P-O-T-A-T-O-E you stupid kid!"
<Secret Service Agent> "Uh, Mr. Vice-president, the child was actually correct."
<DQ> "Oh."
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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A man's bulge in his pants. A word generally used incognito between friends whilst in public, after noticing a rather large (or small) bulge.
"Wow...he has a big potato".
"Omg, that guy has no potato at all".
by Muckked Up January 4, 2014
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dude 1- What did you have for dinner?
dude 2- Just some potato chips and French fries.
by Colin H. Christ July 21, 2008
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