a word used in Lupe Fiasco's "Dumb it Down" where the lyric goes like this: You putting me to sleep nigga (dumb it down) thats why you ain't poppin in the streets nigga (dumb it down). It is a word that despite desperate searches on Urban Dictionary the meaning in that context cannot be found
Guy 1: I have no idea what "poppin" in Dumb it Down means.
Guy 2: It is because you're white.
Guy 1: Oh...do you know?
Guy 2: No, I'm white too.
Guy 1: Damn this elusive definition
by dat1coolkidd July 11, 2008
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You was on twitter poppin it when you coulda jus came to me n talked yo shit
by me❤ December 26, 2020
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A way to say ''What's new?'' or ''How's it going?' Used by ganstas, black people, and wiggers
by DizzyLizzy November 17, 2006
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a phrase commonly used by african-americans to intimidate opponents in a fight.
This 'bout to be on and poppin in a few seconds!
by Minius December 10, 2008
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Said of something (or someone) that is great, that everyone appreciates.
Defines the thing of the moment. Referes to something that is highly in fashion, but it might not last.
"This song is poppin'!"
"Man, Kanye West is so poppin' right now"
by *Vio* November 16, 2007
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An adjective or verb used to describe the behavior of a person who would much rather engage in trivial and boring activities on a night reserved for partying. These activities include playing xbox, watching iron chef, or masterbating on a Friday night. This person is also most often found sockless and wearing underwear on their couch, while everyone else is wearing Gucci.
Scene - Friday Night at Lou's Crib

by MaZe February 12, 2004
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To go out and take ecstacy for a night.
Australian and New Zealand slang.
by diego September 11, 2003
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