A mixture of splooge (sperm) and poop due to anal intercourse

Pronounced Pooj
I just pooged my pants bro!
Tmi dude.
by catchingfire3 April 4, 2020
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The definition to this word comes from the feeling you get from drinking too much 15p coke. Then when this happens you randomly say "pooge".
15p coke - get your pooge on - Tent peg...etc.
by Tom n George April 17, 2004
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A cult that religiously follows Poog's code, which is basically 'Poog do no harm'. I have no idea where Poog came from, but they are the most wholesome being to ever exist (shut up you'll agree with me). The cult of Poog often protects them at all costs, and basically praises the fact that Poog is the sweetest being to ever walk on this planet. I'm not kidding.
Person 1: Poog do no harm.

Person 2: WTF Allison? You again?

Person 1: Join the Cult of Poog.

Person 2: ...
by Froggity November 24, 2020
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When two consenting individuals insert a double sided dildo into their anuses, and compete using their anal muscles to see which can dominate and have sex with the other. #reverseanaltugofwar
I'm gonna poog you hard later.
My butt is stronger than yours, good luck pooging me!
by Smokeygreengiant December 27, 2017
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an enhanced version of the popular twitch emote PogChamp
"Yo, Ludwig beat Ninja's sub record??? POOG!!"
by daved_mytoes April 22, 2021
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