a silly way that odd teenage girls use to address other odd teenage girls, usually refering to the shallow actions of shallow girls
Girl 1: That hoochie was giving me the eye earlier, I think she's jealous that I got asked out by that hawt jock.
Girl 2: Bish plz, you're not even interested in him, she just likes the drama.
by E-R-K October 11, 2008
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Definition 1 middle eastern for i need some loving and a green card as well.Almost never a hi or hello just asl plz almost always followed by a buzz if you have yahoo. Definition 2 The mating call of the pathetic loser who cant get laid in the real world who thinks he or she has a chance with a computer. A cry for help.
by oi! fuckin oi! September 20, 2005
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1) the questioning of one's "nigg-osity"

2)making a statement of disbelief or excitment to one of your friends....NOT a "niggah"
1)"Can you pass me some of dat dank?"
"Nigga plz."

2) yo momma is so poor that when the cops came knockin' at her door and asked for all her cheese, the mouse ran out and said "NIGGUH PLZZZZ!"

by mindlessO_o May 26, 2006
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"plz robuc" other known as, "Please robux" is what noobs use in a game called ROBLOX to get the game's digital game currency, robux. they beg for robux as their mother does not provide them with it.

iNsTeAd tHeY sHoUlD dO tHe ObViOuS tO sTeAl tHeIr mOm'S cReDiT cArD!!11!1!
1 person: "hey, did you know that, his mom didn't allow him to have robux?"
2 person: "Oh gee, that's why they keep saying 'plz robuc'"
by Lxilay! March 14, 2022
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Cool and Attractive guy from Spain:Channel 2 please.
Uncool and Unattractive guy:no
Cool and Attractive guy from Spain:CC PLZ!
Uncool and Unattractive guy:NO
Cool and Attractive guy from Spain:>:(
by coolNattractiveguyfromspain August 17, 2009
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please shut.
sub to seebee
or no fanta for u
and use star code seebee
seebee be leik: plz shut
me: r u seebee or friknob
by 69 years ago July 13, 2021
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