JEREMIAH 10:3-4. Claimed by many to be an Old Testament reference to a pagan tree decorating custom which evolved into the Christmas Tree.
The "Christmas Tree Passage",

3) The customs of the pagans are useless. Someone works the ax to cut a tree from out of the forest.

4) They decorate it with silver and gold. They mount it using the hammer and nails, so that it will not fall.
by Herbert W. Armstrong II June 14, 2009
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Captain Cook couldn't wait to show the Tahitian Cheif's daughter how well he could Navigate the Windward Passage, before a Ziffon and setting sail for Australia.
by Cinocat December 1, 2011
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A homosexualmale
the guy is a navigator of the windward passage
by eggydip June 11, 2004
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a piece of faeces that is too big to pass through the exit hole in your bum.
"Ow, i've got me a Back passage blocker!!"
by Balard!!! June 28, 2005
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A term for black people music, comes from the middle passage which black slaves would travel on during the slave trade
The local rap station was really blasting some of those middle passage mix-tapes
by Burrull October 21, 2013
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A place in a bar or other where chicks or guys will pass by your location for your appraisal.
Passage of transit. The table nearest the restroom door where alcohol induced trips will be taken. Or any public location where a high proportion of the opposite sex will pass you by.
by androo1976 December 25, 2008
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Running the gauntlet on the way to an empty shower stall in an all-black prison.
Matthew: "Did you hear that Jeremy got incarcerated at the Mississippi state-penetentiary?"

Neil: "Yea, poor guy, I heard he had to take the Sequoia Passage on the first day."

Matthew: "Seriously?! His asshole must be in shambles"
by Bawssey Sauce May 15, 2013
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