A girl who won't let a guy go, even though she saw the break-up coming, and wants to kill his new girlfriend even though she had nothing to with it.
My boyfriend's ex - broken up for WELL over a year - who threatens to kill me, tries to turn my friends against me, got her sister to vandalise my car, calls the boyfriend while we're away on holidays together, messages him at one o'clock in the morning on his birthday and Valentine's day, and runs away crying everytime she shows up somewhere she knows we'll be and her attempts to get his attention don't work...is a crazy psycho bitch.
by His Sleeping Beauty June 15, 2008
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“she’s a crazy white bitch
is actually code for “i’m madly in love”
by user.8679 February 11, 2023
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A raging female who after a break up slashes the tires on your car, burns your clothes, tries to get you fired from your job, then calls the cops on you and says she was victimized even though she came at you with a hammer and beat down a door just to get her cat who was terrified and hiding under the bed, then calls you the following next day wanting to reconcile.
by Luckyyou_2005 April 19, 2020
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to identify someone as being cazy as the stereotypical crazy women. example; a crazy women who is in love with you or someone else, who cuts themselves when you are not around. can also be a man.
Dude! Bitch crazy bail!
What are you talking about? Im a guy!
...... Bitch crazy
by boogiepop319 May 27, 2005
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Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS) is an extremely common disorder in females. SCABS infects more than 95% of females over the age of 43. Symptoms include idiocy, delusion, irritability, and overall extreme cuntish behavior. A woman with this syndrome is called a 'SCAB.' Unfortunately, SCABS can cause irritation, emotional distress, marital problems, and, in extreme cases, psychosis in the spouse or significant other.
My wife has a chronic case of Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS). She is just like a bloody real scab, the longer it's around the uglier it gets.
by TTIII June 5, 2016
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A phrase with an ambigious meaning but often taken in a negative context. Can be applied in many situations. Can be interpreted as extremely insane, odd, peculiar, bizarre, very angry, or zany.
Shit, that hobo is crazy like a bitch on sunday!
by wasabiroot March 16, 2007
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a crazy bitch that needs to shave her beaver.
wow man I am never going to that whore house again. A crazy mad beaver bitch tried to gnaw off my willie.
by Lionel Matson February 21, 2008
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