Place name Otahuhu, South side, Auckland, supporters usually yell out 'oats' when sports teams play against Otahuhu
by rs02 March 7, 2012
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A piece of gum found in a pack of 1968 Topps Football cards that has turned green and yellow from years of deterioration.

Or another name for a 16 year old Chinese boy who can't throw a football.
Damn, I just found me a huge slab of oat in this pack of cards.

Come on Oat, just throw me the damn ball!
by Dennis Woodberry December 23, 2004
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a type of plant milk commonly consumed by the queer community. often used in iced coffee.
(disclaimer: not everyone who drinks oat milk is gay... but i mean)
"alright, and what type of milk do you want with your latte?"
"do you guys have oat milk?"
"( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)"
by icedlavenderlatte December 21, 2021
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Kiwi slang, a distortion of fucking oath.
An extremely positive affirmation of agreement or awe.
Person 1: "Man that's a tough sparrow!"
Person 2: "Fucking oats!" or "Oats, bro!"
by fhgwgadsbbq February 17, 2011
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A little used term for BEER, which is made from BARLEY, in the same family as OATS (Poaceae, commonly called 'grasses').

Contrary to another definition appearing here, HOPS are not in the "oat family", and have little in common with OATS. Hops and Oats share the same Kingdom (Plantae), and Division (Magnoliophyta), but are of different Classes, Orders, Families, Genera, and species. HOPS are commonly used in beer to provide a bittering balance to the sweetness of the malted BARLEY that is used to produce beer.
In the final moments of the film "The Big Lebowski", "The Dude" says "Two oat sodas, Gary." to the bartender as he talks to "The Stranger".
by Lt. Hunter Hunter February 12, 2008
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In reference to the semi ‘grown back from shaving’ pubes the worst hook-up of all time was sporting on the spring break the hook-up occurred
“Omg dude, it was the worst. I swear there were crabs in those Sea oats.”
by Griffwillneveragain September 12, 2007
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The nourishing breakfast everybody needs in their life. Consume Quaker Oats and you will become nearly as omnipotent as the Quaker Oats man himself. Every oat, whether it be instant or cooked, is packed with the energy and stat points you need to succeed in life. Legend has it that the Quaker Oats man placed 3 godly stat points in each savory oat. Eat it with applesauce, with fish, or with pineapples- Quaker Oats is what you need for your steps toward omnipotence. The Quaker Oats Man is one of many gods, others including Gatis Kandis and Tongo. Shoutouts to them.
I'm look forward to tomorrow's heart-healthy breakfast of Quaker Oats!
by a nub November 9, 2018
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