A popular sport in which men in tight pants and cups around their penises tackle and spank each other.
Chad spanked Patrick after he was tackled by the other team during the football game.
by Tyler P. February 26, 2008
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Commonly known as "Footy". A game in which men who get paid 1million times greater than their IQ pretend to be hurt for 90mins. Football matches are then followed by excessive comsumption of cheap beer and violent riots featuring obese middle-aged men with no hair.
Wanna watch the Football?

Yeah mate, get us a beer.
by omcoolkid February 5, 2009
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a sport combining skill,muscle,brains and strategy, where a team works together to get the ball up the field to the end zone or to prevent it. once the team gets to the goal it becomes a touchdown.it involves alot of running and is very hard to master.there are people in the game called officials they call the game.
by D3V1N L1NDS3Y February 1, 2009
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The best and most popular game in the world but the americans for some reason call it soccer wtf is soccer it was originally called footbal so american should call it that and call american footbal tackleball besides american football sounds like your trying to own the sport
everybody loves football, hey lets play some footbal and if you call football soccer your stupid so get it right
by Liverpool fan December 28, 2010
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Is a game where players get paid for simulating injuries and best rolls on the floor.
It's also known as the bank, as the players get paid millions of dollars, although the world is in crisis and people who work their ass off every day of their life, don't even earn enough money to survive.
A: will you watch football today?
B: naah I'm tired of watching the professional "fallersontheground"

A: hey they offered Ronaldo almost a milliard worth contract to switch teams! His pinky is worth my whole life salary.
B: and all he does is change his earrings, do some tricks, laugh to the cameras, act arrogant and occasionally give money to poor (although he never really faced that) for people to think that he has a good soul and deserves to cost more money than there even is on earth.

football ronaldo money ball fake rich poor million
by grumpyme February 21, 2013
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The sport originated in England in which you use your feet to kick a ball into a goal. This sport has nothing in common with American Football (see handegg.) It is the most played and watched sport in the world, but that is denied by some Americans who insist that baseball is indeed the world's game.
Wow, what a goal by Arsenal FC. Great football.
by ArsenalTilIDie November 22, 2010
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A bunch of beefy, burly men beating the crap out of each other just to score a point
Tom: What's football?
Peyton: A bunch of beefy, burly men beating the crap out of each other just to score a point.
Tom: Sounds exciting.
by obamachange August 24, 2013
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