A sport that although requires people to be very fit, requires no skill at all nor does it require one to have any balls. It is for people who want to ski but are too afraid of going 40 mph down an icy mountain. Unlike downhill skiers, nordic skiers cannot do tricks off of big jumps, cannot ski fast through deep powder in the woods, and cant huck off of cliffs. Nordic skiing is not real skiing. This is only when talking about male nordic skiers. nordic skier girls are hot and sexy and need to keep doing what they do.
bill- damn did you see those girls in that spandex? they were all sexy as hell.

jim- yeah thats the girls nordic skiing team. they stay in really good shape.
by VT skier May 24, 2009
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A type of skiing that requires no skill. People join this sport if they suck at sports because Nordic skiing is easy. All of the losers join this sport if they want to Ski but arent good enough to do Downhill. Wusses also join because they are afraid of going 30-40mph down a steep hill.
Stuart: "Hey guys, lets go downhill skiing"

Riley: "Sorry, man I have no skill so I'm going to go Nordic skiing."

Nick: "Yeah, I'm a wuss and not tough enough to do Downhill so I'm going with Riley."
by StuartZ February 3, 2007
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A militant arm of the Nordic Kulturpoliti, heavily criticized for employing brutal brain-washing techniques outlawed by the Oslo Convention of 2019.
Disbanded as a governmental agency by Emperor Gissur in 2025 on suspicions of "coaxial metacide", but rogue elements continued operating in the Netherlands and Belgium until 2051 when it disintergrated after the retaliatory assassination of its leader Jan Saemund Kristleifsson.
The MNPA is considered to have been responsible for the assassination of Emperor Gissur in 2050, which instigated the escalation of the Kattegat Channel Conflict and the collapse of the Holy Nordic Empire in 2066.
The president has no control over them, he has already shut their funding, but they are like the Militant Nordic Publishers Accociation.
by Gissur December 8, 2004
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Although true that the MNPA was involved in small scale brainwashing atrocities they have been largely misrepresented in historical records. It´s founding member Ingjaldur Magnus Member, born in Lapland originally conceived the junta to oppose the legislation to outlaw jingoistic, lappish tea-drinking traditions, soon found himself brainwashing citizens indiscriminately. In 2046 the "loco lap" as he came to be known was assissinated. Jan Saemund Kristleifsson, his successor was believed to be behind Ingjaldur´s gruesome murder. His body was found in a New Oslo sauna where he had been incarcerated for three years until finally succumbing to dysentery. Jan Saemund quickly started to focus the MNPA´s considerable resources to eradicate the practice of wilgeldungspierhalt.
This rapidly lost him supporters within the MNPA, and after the assassination of Emperor Gissur, the ranks of the MNPA dwindled to near-extinction, lost to the ravages of meta-war during the rise of the Kattegat Channel Conflict. He was assassinated by his lieutenants in 2051, who having become dissilliusioned by Jan's obsession dismantle the MNPA.

Ragnar Michael, Jan's 2nd in command became the Eurasian Minister of Information, and is believed to have started a campaign to defame Jan Saemundur and the MNPA, condemning them to the historical gulag.
by Henry Egilsson III December 10, 2004
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When you are hoping a wild night, and you prepare the bed with a plastic cover and a wet cloth on the nightstand. You then bring a guy back home and tease him with sex. During sex, you grab the a wet cloth, and at the point when he is about to come, you stick the cloth up in his ass hole. With a quick motion, you pull the cloth back out. Making him shit himself. Now you can enjoy your bed full of shit.
"You know that handsome guy from the bar last night?"
"Yeah, I totally did the Nordic cloth with him"
"Way to go girl. You`re a fucking ledgend !"
by Sigg the penetrator April 5, 2018
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Norwegian Youtube Network that censors critism against their members with Copyright strikes
Nordic Screens gave me a Copyright strike
by LimeyIsCrazy July 10, 2017
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Any kind of slang that resembles Norse words and phrases. Brohiem
by Viking dude February 1, 2016
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