Referring to anything negatively or describing a fellow human, like replacing the words; 'bad' 'discusting' 'sh*t' or 'annoying' ...ect...
'Her new haircut is doi man'
'That party was so doi i left well early'
'She smells like she scrubs doi on her body! its discusting'
by BBQfun August 19, 2011
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An Asian with a big heart and a small penis, also refereed to as sargent slits (because of his eyes) a great friend who is never at a loss for words, always looking for the next big thing to try and shoot himself up the food chain of life... likes to prey on the younger females as he has a better chance with someone who doesn't know any better, creepiness aside all in all a great friend, super smart, and a diehard at anything he does...
Dude 1: look at her with him, he has to be at least 4 grades above her
Dude 2: that dudes a Doi
by da_ginger2 August 10, 2009
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Declaration of Independence, adopted by the USA on July 4, 1776. Lists previous failed attempts to resolve problems with King George III, and how at the last resort, Independence from Britain was justified.
The DoI outlines the basis for human rights as a matter of natural law.
by sρäagen March 12, 2010
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When someone states something extremely obvious and/or does something extremely stupid, the crowd around said person then exclaims the word "DOI!" to alert said person of the foolish statement or action.

Pronounced like "soy", except with a D.
*while walking home at night*

Doi offender: Hey, it's so dark outside, i can see your anus!

me: ...Why did you put a pause between your and anus?

me and Friend: DOI!
by teh burninator 9000 July 10, 2009
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Yo: No doy dinero a nadie
Translation: Me: I don't give me to anyone
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A verb, noun and adjective, used when one cannot think of the right word or exclamation
Noun: look at the size of that doi
Verb: how does she doi that?
Adjective: that cars wheels are doi
Exclamation: DOI!
by Gus Coolwell July 11, 2008
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