An EDM (electronic dance music) record label based in Vancouver, Canada. Mike Darlington, CEO,23 and Ari Paunonen, COO, founded Monstercat in July 2011.1 Monstercat is a team of 10: Mike Darlington (Co-Founder, CEO), Ari Paunonen (Co-Founder, COO), Jon Winter (Head of Music, also known as the artist Going Quantum), Rob Allen (Merchandise Manager), Gavin Johnson (Head of Licensing), Ryan Petrie (Design Manager), Dan Scarcelli (Podcast & Music Manager), William Casarin (Lead Developer), Jack Zhang (Developer), and Connell McCarthy (Designer and Web Developer).
Unlike other labels that sign artists, Monstercat signs their artists on a per-track basis, giving them full copyright to a song while still giving the artist freedom to release other productions where they see fit. Monstercat releases 3 new tracks per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. After certain amount of releases - currently 30 - Monstercat puts all of them into a compilation album; however some do not go in the album because they are either a promotional release for something else or because the artist has released more than two tracks within the time frame.

I love Monstercat so much. <3
Some of my favourite songs promoted by Monstercat Media:
Kill the Silence by Muzzy
Dust Devils by Muzzy
Nightrider by Draper
Run Away From Me by dot.EXE

Self Destruct by Pegboard Nerds
by TheOriginalHobo June 13, 2014
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The legacy media are part of the established, elite "Old Guard" of publishing and broadcasting in media. Legacy media groups are corporate owned.
A handful of corporations own the bulk of the legacy media, or mainstream media, that is consumed daily by the public.
by burbankstorylady October 19, 2018
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All those journotards and media houses who sell their souls and their news for a few pieces of silver. Things like journalism ethics and morality are as alien to them as ET the Extra-Terrestrial. Indians have to tolerate their 24/7 trash as there's no freaking alternative. Usually no walls between salesroom and newsroom. Modi is their bête noire and Radia tapes were their high water mark. A sleeveless skank and her old monk loving hubby give a whole new meaning to douchebaggery. Dago bitch and her moronic son pay 'em generously. Ravi- mediacrooks gives nightmares to most.
Seems Congress may lose the next election. About time we swing our biggest ally - paid-media in to action.
by rationalk June 11, 2013
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Godi Hindi word for in lap, Godi Media is media running government propaganda. In India media runs whatever the ruling government asks them to while ignoring the plight of poor farmers.
Friend: If you don't support the government you are anti-national, racist, and a terrorist

Me: relax dude, stop watching Godi media.
by Qasinow December 22, 2020
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Sources of corporate or politically fabricated or "fake" news.
The fakestream media is orchestrating a witch hunt on the champions of free and fair information.
by the Reverend bIl Z'bUb January 22, 2017
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Alternative name for survellience companies
Social media knows everything about you
by Tunbing March 25, 2018
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Rush Limbaugh's term for the sensational, scandal-seeking, and agenda-driven coverage that is typical of the national press corps in America. Limbaugh draws an analogy between the media who cover a story with a barrage of unfair cheap shots before moving on to the next flavor of the month and an inner city gang that drives by and sprays a target with gunfire and then moves on to their next target.
Rush Limbaugh predicted that the response to the alleged murders at Haditha from Democrats, the left, and the media would be a "gang rape ... to finally take us out in the war against Iraq." Limbaugh stated: "This Haditha story ... this is it, folks. This is the final big push on behalf of the Democratic Party, the American left, and the drive-by media to destroy our effort to win the war in Iraq." Limbaugh added: "Let me just put it in graphic terms. It is going to be a gang rape. There is going to be a gang rape by the Democratic Party, the American left, and the drive-by media to finally take us out in the war against Iraq. Make no bones about it."
by Moonbat_One June 10, 2006
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