The most sexiest, sweetest guy you will ever know! He makes everyone around him feel loved and special. I thank God for the day I met him. No one can take his place in my heart! Mark is my true soul mate. Once you realize that Mark is a God the better off you will be! He makes you feel like a woman in every sense of the word. I love Mark forever and a day!
Mark is the sweetest guy you'll ever know!
by Niagra April 22, 2011
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An extremely hot guy. Has an amazing smile and is an all round loving person. Marks will love you forever and they are amazing at everything ( ;) )
Girl 1: Mark is so incredible!
Girl 2: I know, I'm so jealous of his girlfriend.
Girl 1: Yeah, guess the rumours are true that he likes kinky girls.
Girl 2: Doesn't make him any less "Mark"y though!
by SexyBumGGB March 29, 2010
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Mark is the name of a gorgeous, intelligent, playful, fit and intuitive man who loves deeply.

Mark has a real skill of seeing others for who they really are. Mark has a gift of helping those he is interacting with to
feel special and important. Mark is incredibly psychic. He has a real gift of unconciously (and sometimes conciously) reading the mind (and hearts) of others. When in relationship, Mark makes the best boyfriend. He is incredibly giving in the bedroom department, and loves to shower his lucky lady with romance in all its shapes and forms. Mark is a healer. He has the gift of touch. Mark is also the perfect combination of sensitive and alpha-male. He is gentle and "in tune" but strong and rooted in himself. Mark is extremey kinestetic and talented at all things physical. He is an athlete and not just good but great at many many sports.

One of the most incredible characteristics about Mark is his gaze. He has the most loving and intense gaze. There is too much to say about Mark that wouldn't fit in one defintion. Let us sum up Mark by simply saying Mark will make a huge mark on your heart!
Example 1. Person A- I have the best boyfriend in the world

Person B- Oh, it must be Mark!

Example 2. "Mark was over and now I feel way better about myself and my life. I feel really seen and heard!

Example 3. That guy over there is so amazing at everything he does, he must be this Mark I've heard so much about!
by Chest.time.lover April 17, 2013
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Mark is the greatest human being on this earth. A way to describe him would be "earthly incarnation of awesome." He is sexy, intelligent, adorable and the love of my life. If you have a Mark in your life then you are truly lucky, he will make you the happiest person alive.
Mark: Before we die, I hope to have said 'I love you' as many times as there are stars in the sky.
Me: *Flails arms frantically.*
by treleparc April 5, 2013
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He is the most kindhearted,cute,Funny I've ever met. He made me laugh,smile,Blush. He always helps people. And always there for me.

Love you Mark☺
Mark a caring person.
by Mady---xoxxx September 20, 2018
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One who is a BAD ASS MOTHA FUCKA. This person is often very good looking and usually quite daring. This person also enjoys a nice glass of scotch, and most closely compared to the badass McLovin.
Your such a Mark for banging my mom AND my sister!
by hollall September 29, 2009
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A sexy, hot person who everyone needs. When you have a Mark in your life, it is perfect. Without him your heart is broken into a million pieces. Try and wait for a Mark that you know if you like him because if you like him then he might just ask you out. I am waiting for my Mark right now because he is the funniest, kindest and most honest person I know. He is beautiful on the inside and out!
by Becca The Unicorn May 27, 2014
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