a depressed mf with severe daddy issues and quiet demeanor. a very anxious person because they were abused/neglected emotionally in some way as a child, and it's now interfering with their social and cognitive abilities. lots of sad people on the internet refer themselves as "shinji kinnies".
that guy has been sitting there spiraling staring at the wall with his earbuds in for three hours. he's def a shinji kinnie
by yourmominator January 25, 2022
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A bakugou kinnie is someone who is unstable , gets irritated easily and who has mommy issues
“ Yeah I’m a bakugou kinnie I get angrier easily
by Hope-lily October 27, 2020
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-are life forms that have anger issues, a superiority complex, are secretly insecure and 99% of them aren't straight. also they're hot af. there's a chance that they are also in love with their best friend...
"oh you're a bakugou kinnie? go to therapy now."
by bakibakiniore__ June 19, 2021
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One who relates to a character named Kokichi from Danganronpa 3 (Killing Harmony). This group of people is usually divided into 3 parts.

1: The Shuichi-obsessed fangirls who only say they kin Kokichi so they can be shipped with Shuichi.

2: The ones who hate kokichi but can't help kinning him. These are where most of the "real" Kokichi kinnies will be found. They hate the character they kin, meaning they hate themselves. These people are notorious liars and pranksters as well. And you can bet they cry by themselves sometimes because of all the things they do wrong and all the people who hate them.

3: The actually chill Kokichi kinnies. I don't know how else to explain this group other than they are very annoying and are overly aware of it but don't know how to stop. They don't make kinning kokichi their whole personality and they don't only kin/act like Kokichi to be shipped with Shuichi.
example 1:

"Hey, why is that person crying alone in the bathroom?"
"Don't worry about them, they're a Kokichi kinnie."

example 2:
"Why is everything you own associated with Shuichi?"
"I'm a Kokichi kinnie silly! That means I looove Shuichi!"

example 3:
"Hey why did you tag me in a video about Kokichi kinnies?"
"Because you are one, right? You act exactly like him."
"I... guess so?"
by Psyche_Ackermann January 13, 2021
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People who kin Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs

Very Sexy People, all very hot

Abuse Orphans on a regular Basis ❤️

Receive too much Slander :‘(
Person 1: My parents died yesterday
Dazai Kinnie: *Backhand starts twitching*
by Chrollosthickjuicydumptruck February 18, 2021
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A person who kins ranpo from bsd (bungou stray dogs). Has a sweet tooth and is most likely a part of the LGBTQ+ community. They are kinda smart..? probably introverted.
(Kate) Kate: im a Ranpo Kinnie.
(Sophie) Sophie: i already love you.
by superdupergayranpokinnie July 7, 2021
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An estj with anger issues who while describes them-self as independent lives off of the validation they get from other people. Is a close relative of the “shinji kinnie
Do you see that girl over there? I heard shes an asuka kinnie, do you think she’s a shinnie?
by Sidsidsidsidsid August 20, 2021
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