After you bust a NUT in the shower on your chick and water hits the white goodness it will become a white sticky white glob aka a Cum Kernel.
Damn that bitch i fucked in the shower last night had some Cum Kernels in her hair.
by polesmokenmike October 28, 2008
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chunky, blood clot byproducts of a queef during a woman's menstrual period.
Dude, I thought Carman's period was over and we banged doggy style... but then I got splattered by queef kernels when I pulled out.
by Buck Mann April 10, 2011
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The act of placing a KFC bucket on your head and screaming I have the power then picking up a kernel of corn and taping it to your penis and wanking with sandpaper until no corn is left and if you ejaculate before it's gone you must dip it in your semen and eat it
Omg Kernel Sanders are amazing
by Geoffry Gomul June 25, 2013
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A term used to describe the process of inserting dehydrated fruit (esp. apples) into someone's anus, and then giving that person an enema, as to cause the fruit to expand (like popcorn kernels expanding as they are cooked).
If you don't stop talking about Abraham Lincoln all the time, I'm totally going to popcorn kernel you in your sleep.
by Orville Redenbacher_69 January 30, 2009
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1. someone who reminds you of th smelly reminents left on your buttcheeks after a particularily raunchy dump
ohh man im going have to check for bum kernels after laying that log!
by Mad_kristoff September 26, 2010
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glueing your girlfriends vagina closed and then taking a shit all over it and reopening it with your dick.
hey i heard alex was patching the kernel last night
by johnjam76 June 13, 2010
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