any person of the female gender who has enormously rude titties.
man, jenny was a little squirt until she reached puberty and turned into a real fine jumbo tit.
by Ian McKellen April 29, 2008
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noun. Stemming from the Riverport Ampitheatre (UMB) in St. Louis, MO, where they sell only one size of beer at the concession stands but for some reason call it a "Jumbo Beer". Such a way of thinking is hypocritical because there is no Regular-sized beer of which to make a comparison in size. This word originated from beer but can be used in many other circumstances as well.
Concert Patron: "I'll have a beer, please."

Beer Jockey: "That will be $10, kind sir."

Concert Patron: "I just wanted a regular beer."

Beer Jockey: "We only have Jumbos."

Concert Patron: "You can't only have jumbos, or larges, or smalls, because, then its not a jumbo at all. Its a regular."

Beer Jockey: "I guess I don't understand."

...after ten minutes of agonizing debate...

Concert Patron: "Alright, fine just give me a god foresaking Riverport Jumbo already."
by Brad Pinto February 5, 2006
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a modern substitute for the term Jesus Christ when used in a blasphemous yet humorous manner. F.k.a. Jeezem Crow
Jumbo Cribo, I'm late for a very important date!
by Mad Hatter 1984 November 2, 2010
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1. extremely large boobs that bounce everywhere when thrust into action.
2. extremely large boobs that are used for a great tit fuck.
That woman in the magazine definitely had a great set of jumbo jugs.
by Adam Iglehart January 30, 2008
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Also known as Coco Large, An Turtle who's myth is that it has a full room stored inside it's key on it's back, It is currently being 'Possessed' by a Frenchman's soul.
A: Yayaya Coco Jumbo, Ayay-yeah
B: Isn't it's name Coco Large?
by someurbanv December 6, 2019
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An american rapper who released his only single, Rice. also known as beef sticks
Jumbo pump is better than lil pump, because he is Jumbo. also beef sticks are lit. i ****** love rice so much
-millions of affectionate fans
by Beef sticks official October 25, 2018
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A term for Jibberish Diribitated from an African tribe based off a man who would appear during domestic violence ending by beating the woman who started the conflict, during the said visit he would say jibberish hence the tribe called it mumbo jumbo. So remember when someone says Mumbo jumbo be sure to report them to HR for premoting african wife beating
"Steve said mumbo jumbo after Hellen said work stuff, so I reported him to HR"
by Swaggerm1911 January 2, 2021
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