Stupid little boy with a lisp and mommy issues. And by that, I mean that he still drinks from his moms plump tits at the age of 21. Needs to learn how to dress so he doesn’t look like a schoolboy hooker. Can’t drink for shit. Not sure why UMass accepted him, he can’t even read.
Girl 1: did you meet that guy Johnathan?
Girl 2: oh, yeah... he needs Jesus
by stripcroquetgang October 31, 2018
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Johnathan is a scummy adulterer who watches porn at the school shags members of staff and alternates between two women cause he’s an indecisive prick speaking on that subject his is very small
Oh Johnathan it’s so small!!
by Jefflikesmeff March 31, 2020
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Great at basketball, fortnite and is a real Lakers fan. He is confident, smart, loyal, amazing and funny. He is one of the greatest guys you could ever be around.
Damn Johnathan, Lakers are going off aren't they?
by Shennnn January 14, 2020
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Everyone, anyone, no one, everything and a swear word.
Johnathan Smith had Johnathan Smith with Johnathan Smith while Johnathan Smithing on Johnathan Smith.
by gftyhnhy September 7, 2020
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A sweater half breed asian, english man who smashes his PC all night and smashes Grace with his ding dong ching chong.
"look at Johnathan Reeve over there being all sweaty and smashing grace"
"Yeah what a dumb ass"
"Oh shit he's sweating BUCKETS"
by My nigga Burr February 21, 2017
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When the pizza boy brings you the wrong order but he insists you pay, you act like you are reaching for your wallet but instead you stick you hand between your ass crack and give him the old shithand across the face.
When the pizza delivery boy came I checked my pizza only to realize it wasn't what I ordered. I was pissed, so I gave him the old Rusty Johnathan.
by Joey Bootz August 29, 2010
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n. A pretty cool dude. He kinda sold out and started getting repetitious, but was good in his prime. May come back. I dunno, I don't really care anymore. JD had an fresh style, with the Puma, Adidas, and Pony gear, and even fresher music. Maybe he can save himself from getting too stale.
John Davis was one ill white boy in the day, I think he could come back if he makes some new, fresh jams and quits selling his Scottish ass out. I believe in you JD, I don't give a shit if a bunch a whities think you suck ass, my boys got ur back
by Jam Master J April 15, 2005
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