When you put peanut butter around your butthole and present it to someone while asking if the would like a Reese’s cup.
Hey bro, do you want one of my homemade Reese’s cups?
by z5244888 December 28, 2021
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The ugliest thing you have ever seen in your entire life.
That dress is ugly as homemade sin. She is a sweet girl and smart too, which is good because she is ugly as homemade sin.
by The Ladybug Whispers ... April 26, 2016
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When a woman stuffs her vaginal cavity with cheese and mashed potatoes, then because of her extensive Kegel training she manages to squeeze out a a perfect potato cheese pocket straight from the homeland for her lover.
That bitch last night gave me the homemade perogie. At first I was like, what is this, but then I tried it and it was delicious.
by jochacho March 2, 2011
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The most delicious gravy in all of italy. Don't you dare call it sauce otherwise she will choke you out with a meatball.
"Hmm this sauce was so good"
"Hey don't you dare say that, this is Concettas homemade gravy"
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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When one person plucks out and eats the chest hair of a second person, the first person then releases their bowels onto the chest of person number two creating a homemade sweater vest with the hair filled fecal matter.
Man, you should see the homemade sweater vest my wife gave me last night.
by Lizflint January 3, 2016
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When a homewrecking wanna be bitch texts another woman's man behind her back and then lies about it, it makes her uglier then homemade sin as a person.
That girl tried showing her "panties" to another woman's man and it made her look uglier then homemade sin.
by Noresun2noAmy2 March 13, 2022
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A very southern phrase refering to the act of incest.

"that's as ugly as homemade sin!"
by C. Hardy October 13, 2006
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