Haylee, Is a Beautiful, funny, hella good roaster, nice when you get to know her, trusting (unless you hurt her she will expose all your secrets) she is one to love HORROR MOVIES! Her favorite horror characters are usually Jason Voorhees, Pennywise the dancing Clown, or the ugly babadook, she is usually a super athletic person, she usually is a really good singer and dancer, but she hides it, usually a emo girl or a goth she usually crushes on 1-2 people but never really any only those that steal her heart away, she loves a good scary show or comedy, but when you mention romance she leaves you and never returns until its all gone and over with, if she ever gets a boyfriend don't loose her because you are gonna loose one of the most amazing people in your lifes, especially if you're her friend if you hurt her or break her she is will you and never return to you she will give you limited chances, but when she is done SHE IS FOR ALL DONE, so don't hurt her or break her unless you want to loose a good person in your life, she usually is smart but not with numbers and letters but more of the creative side, she would rather read and draw than spend time with her friends she usually always likes someone with the letters beginning with "A", "J", "M" or "N" but you never know she will usually date someone a year older than her because she doesn't like older stuff much if you find a Haylee don't let her go you will lose a good friend or the best love of your life.
Oh my god, Haylee is so pretty dude, you should ask her out but be careful

Oh my, did you see that new girl here she is a e-girl but she is pretty and seems like a good person to be friends with
by leavemealoneimjustae-girl September 15, 2019
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A not so tall girl but definitely not short. She is very attractive. She cares about each and every one of her friends. Don't mess with an Haylee or any of her friends because she will get you. Haylee is not skinny, but not fat. She loves tall and sexy boys. Haylee loves boys because of their looks and a little about their personality. She is a very popular girl in school, she makes a lot of friends. She gets misunderstood by who she is. She is so beautiful that she gets a lot of boyfriends and gets called a "hoe". Her feelings aren't sensitive, but don't try to make her cry because you will regret doing anything bad to her. She is a very very athletic and strong girl. She beats most boy's in arm wrestles. She loves her boyfriend so much and she will fight for him and she will do anything that he wants. A Haylee is a very commandive person. She would make an very amazing mother. Haylee is an angel but has a devil side. Haylee believes in demons and ghosts, she loves scary movies and her favorite clown's are Pennywise, and skittles. She is a very big party animal. If u ask her to go to a party, she'll say yes before you can even blink. Haylee has a very dirty mind and she loves to be called these name's or to call her boyfriends, Babe, Baby, Sexy, Etc. Go easy on a Haylee, and become a friend with her, or maybe even something else, wink, wink.
Boyfriend: Haylee!! Go to this party with us! We'll have sooo much fun! wink wink

Haylee: Okay babe, I will. Just don't go easy on me this time...
by ive_0505 October 22, 2017
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A cute, kind girl. She finds interacting with people socially is nice, but will mess p and becomes awkward. She likes to play video games on her xbox or her iPhone. She can be the bestest friend you will ever have, so if you have a Haylee in your life, KEEP HER!!! She can also hide emotions and wont tell her really miserable ones. Her best friends will start with M, A, C, G, R, S, J, or D. (that she will never lose) any other names without the letters told, will become a fake friend. Trust me 8)
Friend: Oh hey Haylee!

Haylee: Oh heyyy! How was your day?
-few days later-

Friend (fake): Dang I heard you arent cool anymore. Imma believe tha bully and be with her, go kys Haylee.
by yo what do you want? December 18, 2019
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Haylee is one of a kind. She is different to any other girl, you'd be very lucky to be able to say that a haylee is yours. she is misunderstood, she acts all tough but she is actually very soft and sensitive and only the people she loves gets to see that side. Haylee's usually suffer from alot of mental illness's but stay strong. Haylee is also very sexy, beautiful and cute. she is majorly funny, she makes fun of her flaws but deep down she wish she was someone else. she does get jealous heaps!! Haylee has lots of trust issues and finds it hard to trust someone. so if a haylee trusts you, don't break her trust. Dont ever lose a Haylee if you get one, just give her chances, she is quietly broken inside. OH AND SHE IS GREAT IN BED LIKE YOU WOULDNT BELIEVE. she is very very dirty and naughty when she has to be.
JACK: why does Haylee look sad

ABBY: im not sure, i think she has something wrong with her

JACK: hahhaah probably
by EXPERTWITHNAMES October 24, 2020
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A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes that change to what she wears. Has glasses and is shy and won’t talk unless u talk to her first. Is in to emo and athletic boys. Has an amazing scence of humor and is amazing to be with. Is loyal and will never betray you. But watch out, if you break her heart she’ll break your face. She’s not afraid to ruin your life if you hurt her. Loves to be called babe, baby, honey ect.
I know all this because my real name is haylee
by Haylee (emo_100%) December 2, 2018
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Haylee is the most thick, gorgeous, funny, and unique girl you will ever meet. She is so fun to be around. She is super popular and has SO many friends. She is very athletic and very smart. Most of the time, she enjoys math, science, and art. She is not shy at all, in fact, you mite need to tell her to shut up every now and then. Everyone needs a friend like Haylee. But keep your eyes off of her because 90% of the time, she will have her man by her side.
“Look at Haylee today, she lookin thick!”

“Watch out bro, that’s her man right beside her. “
by Haylee Hulsey April 18, 2019
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