You've been had; you've been tricked.
Hey man, what about our deal?
Heh! You got got!
by Humpty November 9, 2003
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( Got • ted )

Synonym for killed, murdered.

Pass tense for being killed or murdered
The girl got gotted yesterday.
"Bro I just gotted this one chick and it was so easy".
by BigBoiGotGot December 14, 2018
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When you realize that you said something stupid and you catch yourself before someone gives you a point.( Which means if they say point after you've said got the point goes to them.)
Man you ugly

so is yo dog... got
by Shae May 25, 2004
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Got to;

1. A phrase of understood agreement to a statement occasionally used at the end of aforementioned statement, made by someone other than yourself.
1. Chris: So since I was in Atlanta anyway, I figured, "Why not go to Magic City"

Steven: Got to...

2. Tracy: I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to drink Goose or Crown tonight, so I bought a bottle of both.

Gordon: (uncontrollable cheese) Got to!
by Truth by Daylight February 11, 2008
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meaning "I Have" Used by slow witted people from CT who drive VW's and talk allot of trash.
by water&Air July 29, 2003
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(n.) A lesser known abbreviation got the word 'faggot'. Mainly used to avoid awkward situations in public, while still trying to insult friends.
"Actually, the word 'got' is the past tense of ge--" -Jordan
by D3ATHMUFFIn November 27, 2013
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One of my least favorites, if not THE least favorite, word in the english language. It isn't even a real word and gets used constantly.
I gotta go to the store.
We've got no time to loose.
You've go to realize what you're doing!
You have got to be joking!
I've got a lot on hand.
Look at the new book I got today!

Ugh I HATE that word!
by Zeeky H. Bomb April 3, 2005
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